By Belharra Numérique x ESMOD Fashion Business
Le 14 octobre dernier, dans le cadre de la #FashionTech Week Paris, #ESMOD, en partenariat avec Belharra Numérique, membre de la Chaire Bali, a organisé une Table Ronde sur la thématique de la « Traçabilité & Transparence », en duplex avec la FashionTech Week Biarritz.
Plus d’une centaine de personnes ont assisté à cet évènement animé par Patrick Bourg, Directeur des Opérations de Belharra, l’éditeur de la solution e-SCM dédiée au pilotage de la Supply Chain dans le secteur de la mode et du luxe.
Véronique Beaumont Directrice générale d'ESMOD à ouvert le débat !
On the 14th of December, as part of the Paris FashionTech Week, ESMOD in partnership with 'Belharra Numérique', member of the 'Chaire Bali', organized a round-table meeting on the topic of "Traceability & Transparency", along with the Biarritz FashionTech Week.
More than a hundred people assisted on the event, which was presented by Patrick Bourg, the Operational Director of Belharra, editor of "solution e-SCM", focusing on managing the supply chain sector in Fashion and Luxury.
Veronique Beaumont, General Director of ESMOD opened the debate!
Participants all affirmed that transparency has to pass through traceability. In a CSR approach, it's very important for brands to know the origins of the raw materials they use, their compositions, their production methods, and they must pay attention to suppliers work conditions.
A big thanks to all of the speakers :
Adeline Dargent from the Syndicate of Paris of the Mode Féminine mentioned the success of the « Responsible procurement guide » launched in 2019, she is talking about eco-responsible topics and general preoccupations within the industry. A new guide oriented on the eco-responsible behaviour will be available very soon, with a particular focus on materials, their uses and recyclable potentials.
Nelly Rodi & Stanislas Vandier, inform us that the #R3iLab launched the TEX-IA program in partnership with 'Cap Digital', to develop artificial intelligence among the Fashion and Textile industries. First tests experiences, proves that this new technological approach has a role in optimizing eco-responsibility among fabrication process.
Virginie Bodineau, Technical, quality and compliance Director of Gémo, specifies that the group 'ERAM' has initiated the "Change For Good" approach to lead their sustainable and responsible transformation. Big axes of work are based on the development of a responsible supply chain, labelled "Supplier relationships and responsible consuming", putting in the forefront the safety of their products to prevent health and environmental issues. Through the example of the partnership with firefighters from Bangladesh, Virginie Bodineau also showed how the company supports their suppliers in the goal to optimize security and quality among infrastructures which improves a virtuous industrial partnership.
The agency '(RE)set', supports 'Chaire Bali' in their construction towards circularity and textile recycling. Orienting an economical business plan towards circularity demands a 4.0 sustainable eco-conception of the products with the specific approach just as the automatization of processes to anticipate recyclable deposits, dismantling and the reuse of materials. Géraldine Poivert underlines the importance of traceability among the whole value chain to qualify and enhance recyclable deposit, and also supports the work realized by the group "Traceability" of 'Chaire Bali', animated by Patrick Bourg with other actors, to think about the solutions of tomorrow's world.
Carina Michelle Hopper, professor at ESMOD Fashion Business and co-founder of LeadSustainably, is engaged to support young companies in the sustainable field and help them to be more aware of sustainable commercial practices. She works on the Afnor label, Sustainable development for the higher education program.